Austin & The UN Climate Talks

Austin & The UN Climate Talks

Under 2 MOU

What's Inside...

Austin Mayor Steve Adler certainly kept himself busy while in Paris, making the case for cities to lead in the global fight against climate change and touting some of Austin’s environmental success stories. In an interview with Bloomberg News in Paris, Adler spoke of Austin’s recent solar purchases saying that, “It used to be that you made the environmentally conscious, socially responsible decision at a premium cost, but those days are changing.” You can watch the entire interview here>>

While in Paris, Adler also signed the Under 2 MOU, which unites states and regions from around the world with the goal of limiting warming to below 2°c, which scientists say is needed to avoid the most dangerous consequences of climate change. They are doing this by committing to either cut their greenhouse gas emissions 80-95 percent below 1990 levels by 2050 or limit greenhouse gas emissions to two tons per capita. The photo above (taken by Council Member Leslie Pool) shows Adler at the Under 2 MOU signing ceremony, standing behind California Governor Jerry Brown, who has helped to lead the Under 2 MOU effort.

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