A Plan For Reversing Global Warming… And How You Can Get Involved

A Plan For Reversing Global Warming… And How You Can Get Involved


Sometimes climate change can seem so big, so scary, and so complicated. Don’t you ever wish there was some kind of instruction manual or playbook out there that could just tell us all what to do?


Turns out, there is. It’s a book called “Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.” 


DrawdownThe book lists 100 well-researched action items across several categories:

  • Land use
  • Buildings and Cities
  • Materials
  • Food
  • Women and Girls (the book argues that enhancing the rights and well-being of women and girls could actually improve the future of life on this planet for everyone)
  • Electricity Generation
  • Transportation
  • “Coming Attractions” that are promising but too early to rank

Curious? There are several upcoming opportunities for you to learn more:

  • Drawdown EcoChallenge – April 3rd to April 24th; During this online competition, participants will be given a concrete list of real actions they can take to reduce emissions andimprove the lives of the people living on our planet
  • Reversing Global Warming: Introduction to Drawdown – Thursday, April 4th from 6pm to 8pm; Presented by the Pachamama Alliance, this webinar invites you to see both the possibility of reversing global warming… and that you have an important role to play in the process.
  • Earth Day ATX Festival: Climate Action Tent – Saturday, April 13th from noon to 6pm at Huston-Tillotson University; The tent will feature expert-led talks, interactive learning tools, and enthusiastic Climate Action Team members who will introduce you to Project Drawdown and the actions you can take in your personal and work life


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