A Beginner’s Guide To Local Government

A Beginner’s Guide To Local Government

A Beginner's Guide To Local Government

Frustrated with national politics?


Always wanted to get more involved in your local community, but don’t know where to start? Have an issue you care about, but don’t know how to advocate for it because of our confusing political system? With “A Beginner’s Guide To Local Government,” you’ll be confused no more!


“A Beginner’s Guide To Local Government” is a new activity book created by AEN Editor-In-Chief Amy Stansbury and a team of local artists (Hal Wuertz and Jordan Shade). It’s designed to teach Austinites how our local government system works… and most importantly, how to get involved.


Because the truth is, the future of this city is in your hands. You have the ability to make a difference and become a changemaker, no matter what it is that you care about. You can do this! And the book will help you take your first steps.


Especially now, as we embark on an election year for Austin, an effort like this is crucial in raising the level of civic education in this city. After all, in Austin’s last mayoral election, 85 percent of eligible Austinites did not even cast a vote. We can do better than that.


Remember To Call Your City Council Member


But the project won’t happen without your help. A Kickstarter campaign has been launched in order to fund the first round of printing. ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT!! You can buy a book and contribute to the campaign here>>


PS – Love snarky political t-shirts? The Kickstarter campaign has got those too… for anyone who contributes starting at the $60 level. (And yes, that is the mayor’s actual office number).
Call Your Mayor T-Shirt

Meet the Author

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