Representative James Talarico will present questions to the panel of water experts listed below on Austin’s future water situation, plans to cope with shortages and ways for us to conserve water.
Christopher Charles – Conservation Program Coordinator, Water Conservation Division, Austin Water.
Chris is an expert on many aspects of water conservation including xeriscapes, drought-resistant plants and ways to use less water.
Brigid Shea – Commissioner, Travis County Commissioners Court Precinct 2 Brigid has been a force of nature on Texas environmental issues for decades. Her many accomplishments include helping to form and head up the SOS coalition that saved Barton Springs.
Todd Votteler – Editor-in-Chief, Texas Water Journal; Principal, Collaborative Water Resolution LLC. Todd is an experienced environmental professional with expertise in conflict resolution, stakeholder engagement and policy development.
View exhibits at tables in church lobby before and after the program.
Lunch will be served during the event
All are welcome, no charge for attending (donations accepted)