Does Your School Recycle?

Longhorn Recycle Roundup

Applications Due Oct. 14th
KAB and the Longhorn Recycle Roundup Sponsors would like to recognize your school recycling and environmental efforts. Apply for this year’s Good Sports Always Recycle Contest for the chance to win prizes and be recognized!
Winning Schools Receive:
  • Tickets to the Texas vs. Kansas State football game (Sat., Nov. 19, 2011)
  • Tickets to a pre-game party at the Longhorn Corporate Sponsor Club
  • Recognition during an ON-FIELD presentation at the game
  • A commemorative plaque for your school
$250 prize for the ‘Coca-Cola Recycle Rookie Award’ goes to a new recycling program
$500 prize to be awarded to the top 5 Recycling Programs
All school applicants will be entered into a drawing to win $100
How to Participate:
It’s easy! Complete and submit an application telling them about your school’s recycling and environmental efforts. Deadline is Friday, Oct. 14th!




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