EcoTip #8 Reduce, Reuse. Recycle

While garbage is kept out of sight, landfills grow and multiple like a cancer across the country, natural resources are wasted and cities spend billions of dollars on dealing with trash.

  • To reduce the amount of stuff you discard, reduce the amount of stuff you buy. For example, share appliances and lawn equipment, such as lawn mowers, circular saws and sewing machines with neighbors and friends.
  • Try buying used items instead of always buying new – you can save a lot of money and keep more things out of the dumpster. Consignment stores and thrift stores offer great deals on used furniture and other household items.
  • Give it away before you throw it away. Have a yard sale or donate unwanted items to nonprofit organizations such as Goodwill and the Salvation Army.

Keep in mind that when you throw something away, it doesn’t really go “away.” When we conserve and reduce the amount of things we purchase, re-use the things we can and recycle the rest, we help to ensure a healthier planet and better quality of life for future generations.

Useful information:
City of Austin Single Stream Recycling

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