What’s going on with Uber and Lyft?

What’s going on with Uber and Lyft?

Uber Lyft

What's Inside...

There has been a lot going on with ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft lately. After months of debate, Austin City Council approved an ordinance in December that requires all drivers for ride-hailing companies to undergo fingerprint-based criminal background checks.


This has long been a sticking point for both Uber and Lyft, who say that their own internal background checks are sufficient and that requiring fingerprint-based background checks will add only another hurdle for their drivers, discouraging many part-time drivers from ever signing up. This, they say, will affect their ability to provide the quick and efficient service that customers have grown to love. Currently, Lyft does not operate in any city that requires fingerprint-based background checks.


But the new ordinance only lays the groundwork for these fingerprint-based checks, lacking the teeth needed to actually enforce these new rules. Starting February 1st the new rules will be phased in, but as of yet, there are no consequences for refusing to comply. Council plans to address this (as well as potential incentives to encourage drivers to accept these new background checks) in a separate ordinance to be brought up at the end of the month.

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