If you are a registered EcoNetwork blogger or partner, please follow the instructions below to post a blog. If you are not currently an EcoNetwork blogger or partner, but would like to become one, please contact us.
1. Log in to the site by clicking on the “LOGIN” button at the top left corner of the EcoNetwork home page. If you already have an EcoNetwork account, enter your username and password into the appropriate fields. (Please note – It is possible that during the data transfer process, some login information could have been lost. Please try logging in with the same username and password you used on the old website, and if that does not work, then create a new account). If you are a new EcoNetwork user, click on the “Register Here” link and fill out the appropriate fields. New users will receive a verification email to activate their account.
2. Once you are logged in, you will see a “Quick Links” Menu on the side of your screen. This is your command center that allows you to post and manage all of your job, event, and blog postings. If you would like to post a blog, simply click the “Create a Post” button.
If at any time you want to get back to your “Quick Links” panel, simply click the “My Account” button at the upper left hand corner of the screen. And please, if you have any questions while posting, contact us. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
3. Once you are on the “Add a New Post” page, simply enter your blog’s title and text into the appropriate fields. The text field operates like any normal text editor with options to bold, italicize, and center text. Once you are finished, simply select the “Submit for Review” button and your blog will go into a queue to be reviewed by EcoNetwork staff before being published. Once you have submitted your blog, please email a photo that you would like to be featured along with your post to content@austineconetwork.com.