Coal Train Coming for Austin

It is a critical time in our efforts to phase out Austin's massive contribution to greenhouse gases and pollution at Fayette.
The City Council is meeting today, Thursday, January 9th  – in executive session – to hear Austin Energy's proposed options for the future of the Fayette coal plant. We need to put all possible pressure on the process to make sure that discussion is made public and accessible. Austin Energy has proposed public hearings but not yet scheduled them. We have the majority of City Council on our side. We must use that leverage in the next few months to have this Council write Fayette out of the upcoming AE Generation Plan before the next election cycle. It is going to take a massive effort by those concerned with Fayette's contribution to the climate crisis to make our voices heard.
Al Braden's short, 4 minute video for the Austin Beyond Coal Campaign shows where we are at this moment and what we need to do to get Austin Beyond Coal. Watch and share widely!
Austin Beyond Coal - Coal Train Video
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