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Synco de Mayo

September 30 @ 9:32 am

“Synco” is a convergence and synchronization of Austin communities, a day of inspiration and connection with people, projects, causes, organizations, and businesses making shift happen in Austin. Help spread the word and INVITE YOUR FRIENDS πŸ™‚ RSVP on fb here: https://www.facebook.com/events/497352970323818/

There will be cross pollination of evolutionary creativity and visionary action with demos, workshops, speakers, kids fun, music bus, sustainable swap, local market, yoga, meditation, relaxation/healing space, and lots of love and laughs πŸ™‚

The rEvolution we face today starts with love. Allow the inspiration in your heart to guide you to act, to create, to speak, to be your fullest self. Together we are learning an honest way of being and living in harmony with ourselves, our community, and our world. Let’s celebrate Austin’s shining example of local wholistic culture!

We invite you (and your project/business/organization) to connect, network, promote your work and share your insight with the community. Sign up to reserve free table/promo/demo space here: http://bit.ly/16MN692

Sponsorship Opportunities available. Contact loveatxproject@gmail.com.

more info at http://loveatxfest.com
Local Speakers:
Katherine Gregor, Rethink Austin, CoA Office of Sustainability
Michael Carberry, Whole Life Learning Center
Clayton Aynesworth, Clayton Aynesworth Yoga

Participating Organizations:
Austin EcoNetwork
Whole Life Learning Center
Creation Flame
Yard to Table
East Side Garden Exchange
Holly Neighbors Helping Neighbors
East Feast 2022
Austin Time Exchange Network
Amala Foundation
Henna Kim
GypsyOmetry Live Screen Printing
Sacred Tree Soap Co.
The Music Bus Rocks
Design. Build. Live.
St. Edwards Students for Sustainability
Communal Healing Project
Michael Garfield Live Art
SoundSelf Visual Chanting Game

Local Musicians will be jammin’ the night on!
Mohammad Firoozi
Jason McKenzie
Omid Aski Laridjani
Markbob Love

A Community Canvas will be hanging for all to contribute a stroke, symbol, word(s), hand prints…. whatever your heart speaks.

Screening of Occupy Love, The Story of Stuff/Change, and other inspiring/educational shorts, play testing of SoundSelf (a visual experience controlled by chanting)… in multimedia room.
More details, schedule, and map on Event Website here: http://loveatxfest.com/

LoveATX is a grassroots effort to support a wholistic shift in culture. We are connecting local communities and developing culture based on wholism, honoring the self, the earth, and all living things as one organism. We are here to strengthen community in Austin and support local organizations, causes, individuals and businesses for sustainable and wholistic culture. We do this work in service to the community and humanity because unity & synergy among leaders and catalysts will magnify our potential.

“A dream you dream together is reality” -John Lennon

LoveATX is:
-Creating connection and conversation among the people of Austin
-Sharing information and inspiration for whole living
-Encouraging local community engagement and collaborations

Our Mission:
To support a shift in culture that allows us to live happily and harmoniously with our world, our community, and ourselves. A wholistic culture emerges as we learn to live and love wholly, respecting ourself, the earth, and all living things as one organism.

Our Values:
Be Local – support local community, economy, food systems
Be Healthy – care for your self; body, mind, and spirit
Be Creative – be creative, play, dream, innovate, integrate
Be Conscious – live mindfully and aware of your connection to all
Be Sustainable – value self-sustaining communities, respect our earth and natural resources