You are officially invited to a more functional democracy.   On Tuesday October 2nd, in the year 2018, join your fellow lovers of local democracy to explore, engage, interact, ask questions, confess unknowns, and get ready to vote this November.     Join AEN Editor-In-Chief Amy Stansbury in celebrating the launch of...

You've seen the headlines. Zebra mussels have infested Lake Travis. But what does that really mean? What impact is that having on our beloved waterways?   Earlier this month, volunteers with the annual Lake Travis Cleanup got a glimpse into the extent of the problem. Each year, hundreds of people volunteer...

Austin is a creative city. But how can we harness that creativity to tackle some of our city's problems?   Like traffic?   That's the topic for the upcoming "Creative Placemaking Summit ATX," which kicks off on Thursday, September 27th. Hosted in partnership between the City of Austin Transportation Department, Capital Metro,...

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Nature In The City Podcast Episode 7: Stability, Integrity, and Leopold's Legacy   This year Dr. Kevin Anderson, a geographer and philosopher managing the Environmental Research Center for the City of Austin, will take us on an exploration of “Nature and the American Mind”, examining a complex...