Chris Carter with Clean Air Lawn Care on Shades of Green Energy Radio

I love the smell of fresh cut grass … especially in the spring when it lets us know that cold, gray winter days are mostly behind us. This Thursday at 1 p.m. Shades of Green Energy Radio hosts Chris Carter who’ll be talking about Clean Air Lawn Care.

A novel, fresh way to shrink your carbon footprint, Clean Air Lawn Care is a comprehensively green way of taking care of your lawn service. They use solar panels mounted on trucks during the day as a power source and power up over night using Austin’s GreenChoice energy to keep them running efficiently. Their mowers are electric which makes them 50-70% quieter than gas-powered lawn equipment! Is there such a thing as green noise … reducing urban noise levels? Wouldn’t that be an interesting addition to our concept of green living and environmental well-being?

Clean Air Lawn Care offers an all-natural, organic treatment and fertilization program to ensure your yard is beautiful and safe for your children, pets, and waterways. Tune in on Thursday at 1 PM to 91.7 FM to hear more from Chris Carter. Now if you miss the show you can get our podcasts at iTunes.

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